One-time payment of $4500

Grief Coaching Program

Click here if you prefer to pay $800 monthly for 6 months

  • Personalized one on one coaching once a week with Parul for 60 min ($4800)
  • Group session once a month where you meet others in the healing journey ($1200)
  • Scheduled Reflection Time
  • Training can include learning about the different stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) and recognizing that individuals may move through these stages at their own pace. This knowledge can help healthcare professionals provide personalized support.
  • Practicing gratitude even if can seem daunting. 
  • Regular check-ins to keep emotional feelings in check
  • Guest speakers on Grief ($500)

What else is included...

  • Book Life Interrupted Dr. Dua’s Survival Guide
  • Grief Journal
  • Memory box to help memoralize a loved one.
  • A day in Long Island with Parul to celebrate together as we honor our loved ones and embrace our journey. ($5000)